By Gil Israeli, Director of Prospect Research and Senior Writer, American Technion Society
Currently, appearing in APRA’s online magazine Connections, Volume 25, 1-Q1. The article is a review of Israeli’s session at APRA’s International Conference, August 2013.
Years ago, a fundraiser send me a research request with minimal data: an individual’s name and residence. He noted (with an exclamation point) that the family foundation had assets exceeding $100 million. Responding too quickly, I reviewed the list of grants for the past three years and placed each gift in one of three categories that I had decided represented the foundation’s giving: higher education, medical causes and social welfare. I generated statistics on the foundation’s interests and multi-year giving trends. Then, I listed board members, contributors to the foundation and changes in their investments. I sent this insightful research to the fundraiser and his response was to the point: “Great stuff, but what I need to know is how to access the foundation president.”
To download the entire issue click here: APRA – Connections Vol. 25, No. 1: Q1 2014
Additional articles in this issue include…
Relationship Mapping: Hot New Tools and Techniques, By Jennifer Fila
Thinker’s Game: Maximizing Data Analysis Through Critical Thinking, By Ashutosh Nandeshwar, PhD